


olive50 large green olives, 150g of pork, 150g of veal, 50g of chicken, 50g of ham, 50g of pancetta, Reggiano Parmesan, breadcrumbs, 2 eggs, olive oil, tomato sauce, nutmeg, flour, salt.


Chop the pancetta and brown in a skillet with a little oil, add the pork, veal, chicken, ham and two spoons of tomato sauce. Leave to cook slowly and when ready, remove the meat from the pan, chop finely, mix with cooking juices and blend in an egg, two spoons of Parmesan, one of breadcrumbs, one glass of milk, salt and a pinch of nutmeg. Pit the olives and fill with mixture, then roll the olives in flour, dip in remaining beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Fry in a skillet with plenty of boiling oil and when cooked, drain carefully on kitchen roll. Serve hot.
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vincisgrassi-di-magro300g of flour, 3 eggs, extra-virgin olive oil, 300g of minced beef, 100g of chicken giblets, 100g of Reggiano Parmesan, one glass of wine, a white truffle, butter, salt.


Brown the minced beef and chopped chicken giblets in a skillet with oil and butter, turning frequently and sprinkling with the wine. In the meantime, prepare the pasta, mixing and blending flour, eggs, salt and drop of oil carefully to achieve a smooth paste. Roll the pasta out with a rolling pin until it is in thin and cut quite wide strips to form tagliatelle. Boil in plenty of salted water and remove from heat when half cooked. Drain well and place layers in a previously buttered oven dish, pouring the sauce over each layer and sprinkling with grated Parmesan. Cover the last layer with grated truffle that has been cleaned beforehand. Bake the lasagne at 200° C for about 20 minutes.
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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1 whole, large rabbit, a bunch of wild fennel, garlic, 100g pancetta, 100g cooked ham, 100g salami, 100g rolled pancetta, a glass of white wine.


Wash the rabbit in water and vinegar, remove offal, wash and keep to one side. Blanch the wild fennel in boiling salted water with 2-3 cloves of garlic and keep the cooking water. Brown a stuffing of pancetta slice, cooked ham and salami over a low heat. Add the chopped offal and wild fennel, continuing to cook for several minutes. Open the rabbit onto a cloth, add salt and pepper, and cover inside with slices of pancetta. Fill the centre with the prepared stuffing, the remaining, crushed garlic and scatter with ground pepper. Roll up carefully so that the filling is secure; stitch the opening and tie the rabbit. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Brown the rabbit in a skillet with a drop of oil; add half a glass of wine and a glass of the cooking water from the wild fennel, transfer to the oven and cook for an hour, frequently turning and basting with cooking water when required. Remove thread before serving, the slice and serve with slices of filling.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1486724389440{padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;background-color: #7f1e25 !important;}”]

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